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© Photographie de Fanny de Gouville



© Photographie de Fanny de Gouville

Crumble Production is a collective of artists-authors, actors, scenographers and developers whose approach is to create and produce immersive shows combining classical theatre, new technologies and public participation. Together, we explore new and innovative methods and research to push the viewer’s experience to its peak in unusual places.

Blending fiction and reality, the company imagines a new way of experiencing performance and puts the spectator at the centre of the action. On a set where the spectator is able and encouraged to wander freely in unique spaces, reality crumbles to rebuild itself in different spatio-temporal forms. The spectator can then choose what he wants to see, knowing that several paths are possible. 


It is a play in which the spectators blend with the performance by freely evolving within the sets and around the characters. The 'fourth wall' that usually separates the stage from the audience no longer exists : the spectators become actors and choose to apprehend their own experience. They can decide to follow any character, to linger on a set to soak up the decor and their surroundings and go with the flow of the story.


This form of theatre has already proven its worth in Anglo-Saxon countries, as shown by the success of the sold out play, since 2011 : Sleep No More in NY, an adaptation from Shakespeare’s Macbeth that takes place in a large abandoned hotel. More fluid than escape games and more playful than classical theatre, immersive theatre is attracting a growing interest among the public in France.

Stage director and artistic director

Initially coming from the digital media Konbini, Juliette Colin signed in 2022 the immersive show "Au Bonheur des Dames" played at Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche and she now works as an author and director specialising in immersive theatre. Trained at Central Saint Martins in London and with the company «Punchdrunk», a pioneer of immersive theatre in the world, she is committed to developing this new innovative and interactive form of theatre with the French public. She created the immersive play "Dernières Fiançailles" of which she is also co-author, director and producer. She is also co-author of the immersive project Orkizomaï which benefited from a residency at the arts centre THE CENTQUATRE - PARIS and a first showing is set to take place in 2024-2025. 


Juliette also has several artistic collaborations with brands including Netflix, Backmarket, Lancel, Indeed, and Warner. 

She also gives  classes as an immersive theatre director during The Free Actor workshops at THE CENTQUATRE - PARIS


Crumble Production has been supported by Orange as a result of the winning contestors of the program #femmesentrepreneuses


© Photographie de Fanny de Gouville


Writer and Scriptwriter

After following History and Communication Studies, Toni decided to reconnect with his lifelong passion, theatre.

He joined the Conservatoire du 20e arrondissement de Paris in September 2016.

From 2016 to 2019, he starred as Philoctète in Sophocles' Philoctète, Gus in The Dumb Waiter by Pinter, George in Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee, Trielle in Peace at Home by Courteline, The Father in The Condemned of Altona by Jean-Paul Sartre…

But his genuine interest turns out to be writing. In 2018, He gets involved with Crumble Production by participating in the creation and writing of the collective’s second play, House of Nature. In parallel, he plays Toni, at the theatre Le Bout, a one man show written and performed by him.

His inspirations range from Molière’s classical theatre to Joel Pommerat’s contemporary theatre, including series such as Phoebe Waller Bridge’s Fleabag and the filmographies of Paolo Sorrentino, Denis Villeneuve and Sofia Coppola.


Today he is proud to sign Crumble Production's last major production, The Ladies’ Delight performed at Le Bon Marché and he is currently working on the company's next project : Orkizomai.

© Photographie de Fanny de Gouville


Capture d’écran 2024-10-12 à 00.10_edite

The immersive show The Ladies' Delight received the Laurel Award for Best Costumes, as well as nominations in the following categories:
Best Theatrical Adaptation and
Special Jury Prize.

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© 2022 Crumble Production is a live performance artistic company creating immersive theater and interactive content


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